
Période de commentaires du public terminée
24 septembre 2020
Date de remise des commentaires
23 octobre 2020

Nous accusons réception de vos commentaires sur les normes de service de l’ARSF.

Nous remercions ceux et celles qui nous ont envoyé leurs commentaires et questions à ce jour. Nous en avons tenu compte dans la version finale des normes de service de l’ARSF.

Cette consultation est maintenant terminée.

Pour apprendre davantage sur cette consultation

Les normes de service sont essentielles à un bon service public. Elles témoignent de la quête d’un niveau mesurable de rendement, auquel les intervenants sont en droit de s’attendre dans des conditions normales. L’ARSF a établi des normes pour fixer des attentes et des objectifs précis en matière de service, et organise une consultation publique pour recueillir les commentaires sur les normes proposées.

Grâce à l’établissement de normes de service efficaces, l’ARSF sera à même d’utiliser les résultats trimestriels pour améliorer son service public. Le processus de production de rapports favorisera le recours à des pratiques efficientes et transparentes. L’ARSF prévoit déposer un rapport sur son dernier ensemble de résultats en janvier ou février 2021.

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#En soumettant un contenu, vous acceptez que votre document soit publié sur notre portail de participation et utilisé dans des rapports ou d’autres documents préparés par l’Autorité de réglementation des services financiers (ARSF) et qui pourraient rendus publics. Nous avons modéré le contenu pour nous assurer que toutes les publications sont respectueuses et professionnelles. La Loi sur l’accès à l’information et la protection de la vie privée, L.R.O. 1990, chap. F.31, s’applique à tout contenu publié en ligne.

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Secteur Commentaire Date postée Trier par ordre croissant
Secteur des credit unions et caisses populaires
[2020-012] Michael Ras - Meridian

Secteur des régimes de retraite
[2020-012] Danelle Parkinson - The Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM)

Secteur des credit unions et caisses populaires
[2020-012] Nick Best - Canadian Credit Union Association, CCUA

[2020-012] Kim Donaldson - Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)

Secteur des planificateurs et conseilers financiers
[2020-012] Beethoven Crasco - Primerica Life Insurance
I noticed you don’t allow financial advisors to attach in their name their license codes unlike with mortgages agents and brokers. I also read during my review for my mutual fund license you prohibited in using ‘license’ attached to their names. In fairness to all sectors, will you allow everyone to put their license codes in their names for the public to know they are authorized to do business or not. Thank you!
Secteur des credit unions et caisses populaires
[2020-012] Terrance Dubois - WFG (Independant Broker)
This is regarding Mortgages offered by Credit Unions. When looking into the financial advantage of obtaining a Home Equity Line of Credit as opposed to a Mortgage (held by a Credit Union). Whether the HELOC is offered by the Credit Union or another Financial Institution. When inquiring (especially in these times), about discharging a Mortgage, a Credit Union holds an option clause in the Penalty to discharge. Clients are always told of the first penalty which is a typical 3 month charge, but when actually trying to discharge the Mortgage, the Credit Union will counter with a much higher penalty. Credit Unions have a contract with 2 penalty types. I find this poor business and deceiving when trying to assist a client in restructuring finances. Some Credit Unions have replied to a Client that they can not obtain a Mortgage Discharge. Is this somewhat about what FSRA is trying to improve for Public Service? Thank you.
Secteur de l'assurances habitation, vie et maladie
[2020-012] Brent Mizzen - Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association
Attached please find CLHIA's comments on the FSRA Service Standards.
Secteur de l'assurance automobile
[2020-012] Catherine Allman - Canadian Association of Direct Relationship Insurers
Please find attached our submission on FSRA’s proposed service standards.
CADRI notes its appreciation of FSRA’s transparency. It also recommends a cap or maximum time to decide on some rate filing standards and welcomes 10-day turnarounds on licensing applications and renewals.

Secteur de l'assurance automobile
[2020-012] Sam Palmerio - Desjardins
Please find attached the comments of Desjardins related to FSRA's Service Standards consultation. Thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts.
[2020-012] John Taylor - Ontario Mutual Insurance Association
Please find attached the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association's submission with regards to FSRA Service Standards.
Secteur des régimes de retraite
[2020-012] Real Gagne - iA Financial Group
45 days to respond to Inquiries (plan specific, non-plan specific and general) is not reasonable
-- this is more than 2 months, and could even be more during Holidays.
-- Many statutory delays are below the 45 working days threshold: for delays that are below 60 days (actual days).

General inquiries need to be answered within 15 working days.

Secteur du courtage hypothécaire
[2020-012] Daniel Vyner - DV Capital Corporation
Dear FSRA:

Concerning licensing efficiencies in the Mortgage Brokering Sector, we'd like to humbly suggest that similar policies are executed for existing licensees that wish to transfer their license to another Mortgage Brokerage. Needless to say that this will ultimately expedite a quite common process for mortgage agents, mortgage brokers, and mortgage brokerages alike.
Secteur des credit unions et caisses populaires
[2020-012] Janet Grantham - Mainstreet
I am concerned that the target for the final report on examinations within 60 days is 65%, I understand that delays can happen but I would have liked to see this at a minimum of 80%
Date posted Secteur Question et réponse
Secteur de l'assurance automobile

Question: What mechanism you are planning to control Non License agents sitting in Tim Horton and all similar type of location. These people take cash money and putting innocent people in group insurance. Also there are insurance fraud going on by giving remote area address for low cost of insurance and people like us has to pay for that.

FSRA réponse:

This comment was forwarded to FSRA Market Conduct. FSRA takes complaints of fraud and unlicensed activity seriously. Complaints that we receive of this nature are actioned and reviewed by our Complaints and Risk Assessment Team. Where there is sufficient evidence to investigate, the most serious cases are escalated to our Enforcement Team for further review.

Question: Just received a very broad email, confused if action is required? The consultation closed oct 23rd are there any requirements on my end before this expiry date? Thanks!

FSRA réponse:

You may have received the email announcement because your email address is listed as a sector stakeholder. Please be assured that you are not obligated to submit feedback to the consultation or take any specific action. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, please click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.